Friday, November 27, 2009

traditions worth keeping

i am thankful that i'm never too old to enjoy the holidays with friends sluggin booze behind the 7-11


i am thankful for candles and the cat that will sit on my feet as long as i feed him turkey under the table

tradition impossible

trying to watch the macy's parade with family around is like trying to read the newspaper with cats around.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

there's no place like home for the holidays

Q: why does stef have the crazies?

a) no wall switches work
b) constant butt-pattings from mom
c) toe-stubbing piles everywhere
d) kmart booze

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

daydreams: i blogged it first--i win!

ok, jon, you can't tell, but this is us frolicking at the zoo. so there!

if a tree falls in a forest...

if you're working the day before thanksgiving and no one is around to see, does it matter that you came in at all?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

balance of the universe

OMG--the shit really DOES hit the fan if i don't get the boss his fresh squeezed orange juice every day

a little clarification needed

"fantastical" is a stef word

"fantesticle" is not a stef word.

it's a safe bet that "fantesticle" is not in the vocabulary of anyone wearing a cardigan clip.

these are a few of my favorite things

chris kimball on morning edition?!!!!!

it's as exciting as when someone put booze in my hot chocolate!

airport weirdo

...she had republican shoes

oh canadia

a dusty old gem in tribute of my border-bound friends this holiday break

overcooking for one

so much crab rangoon. so little roommate.

Monday, November 23, 2009

dinner party recipe for success, revised

any party with a gazillion drink options is aces in my book

dinner party recipe for success

any cheese that can make this kind of a mess is aces in my book

even stef is not immune to holiday cheer

 the city wreaths go up and suddenly the gridlock  looks so festive!


+ 4 cent discounts on stewed tomatoes
+ yellowed ceiling tile
fun outing with nanny!

Friday, November 20, 2009

spit gag friday!

this water tastes like farts

old timey rage

meet inna

-maker of borscht
-illustrator of surgeries
-keeper of gross things in jars

male bonding

nothing beats a good-ol-fashioned-seal-bellied-stare-off

Thursday, November 19, 2009

office etiquette 101

(baked&wired cupcakes are not an offering to be taken lightly)

god bless lunch dates

you don't have to wait until happy hour to have fun!

daydreams: sick day

i am actually jealous of your cold and will vicariously bundle up in bed with some cocoa and then nap until ellen comes on.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ok, you know what--i really don't care.

don't act so surprised, batali

bernard grenier's sweetbreads are the best ever ever ever!

the animal kingdom is smaller than you think

fun fact: the truffle hog is characterized by
-a keen sense of smell
-innate ability to find truffles
-a tendency to eat truffles once found

fun fact: stef is characterized by
-a keen sense of smell
-innate ability to find truffle dishes
-a tendency to eat truffles once found

hey, brits, you're all right!

internet research on euro holiday advice reveals the mind-blowing concept of "keeping a stock pot on the bubble thoughout the Christmas period."
"a-hem" indeed!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

santa, baby

all i want for christmas is a closet full of jcrew cardigans*

*and a bed. don't forget the bed.


free gift with purchase

when you have to ask yourself "is that urine?" it's time to leave the store

daydreams: bistro d'oc

because francophiling is way better than regular filing

Monday, November 16, 2009

"other duties as assigned"

i told my boss giving him a back massage was an HR no-no so he called HR and got their approval.

cooking for one

avgolemono stockpile likely to outlast winter. probably should have cut the recipe in half.

pat novak for hire

it is without a trace of embarrassment that i declare ed walker is awesome

hollywood vs real life

if the part of stef was played by drew barrymore the scene would end in an oops-i-lost-my-balance kiss.

but when the part of stef is played by stef she loses her balance and steps on someone and gets an elbow to the kidney

and yet kitty boogers aren't the worst boogers to have ever been sneezed onto my lip

(traumatic incident circa 1987)

worst wake up call ever!

kitty booger on my lip

Friday, November 13, 2009

f snuggies


you ever absolutely obsess over something that in truth is so skanktastic if you saw anyone wearing it on the street you'd want to punch them in the face?

lines don't lie

Q: people happily waiting in the rain?
A: avgolemono.*

*1120 19th st nw. look for the line. trust me.

night at the spectrum theater

in that order.

things i love

Thursday, November 12, 2009