Friday, April 30, 2010

erf day boozin

and some beers with daniel day lewis pretty much saves the planet. you're welcome!

free roots concert is also pretty erf day

and really, what says "erf day" like a poochie playin in ice?

erf day brunch

it's important to celebrate erf day with $1 mimosas. hey ladies, meet you at the bar!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

uh oh. point to fox.

i knew i was too into glee when i was disappointed the token asian guy in jen's musical didn't bust out some breakdancing

Saturday, April 24, 2010

yeah, that's right. bamf.

it's important to look like a bamf in your company photo so the people you deal with in the head office fear you andjustPAYTHEDAMNINVOICEALREADY!

you're not foolin anyone, bub

that's not allergies

really?! you're going to sit here?!

that's not travel crankies talking. that's just common courtesy.

travelogue: 04/16/10 St. Louis

jen ROCKED it!

 i mean, she did this scene that was all with a bit of

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

airport boozin is expensive

but talking my mom into a preboardbeer is priceless

Thursday, April 15, 2010

jessica, this is why i love you!

i hope we get what you want for your birthday!

"fried chicken benedict"?!!!

i want to be his mouth!

(do i need to clarify we're watching food porn, not porny porn?)

pandora, you're nsfw

daydreams: cat bed for office naps

necessity is the mother of invention

alcoholism is the sneaky teenager of invention

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

if a tree falls in the forest...

would i miss the champagne course if i never knew there was a champagne course?

natalie dee is the family circus of webcomics

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

it's like stir fry juice

there's no room for garlic in juice

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

well who needs you any way

stoopid marc jacobs purse that will totally never be at TJ Maxx at 95% off.
i've got my ratty canvas bag, so there!

mon amour

crappy music from people who should know better

wtf, band-that-shall-remain-nameless?!!!
this straight up sucks.
get back in the studio and keep trying till you get it right.

outfit fail

adventures in medhead

lookie what i made at work today!

adventures in medhead

filling too many water bottles on accident turns into filling to many water bottles on purpose. future reference: there is little appreciation for glass armonicas in the work place.

adventures in medhead

oopsie daisy. forgot about spacial concepts.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

dear goofing off on the internet,

you were so fun until i found that lily allen video and dearoldlove and became completely undone.

yea "side of fresh fruit"!

dear basket of bananas,
you are half green and half black and this is why people just get a side of chips.


dear hyperboleandahalf,
you are awesome and i think we should be getting drunk together!

much love,

guest spot: caroline and the inappropriate-for-the-office easter carrot!

nothing like getting a gift that calls for a "thank you" and a "fuck you" in equal measure!